If you want to add some texture on your bag, you will probably like the Chanel Skin Croc Tote. It may seem that a lot of brands, from high class to low class, provide some sort of textured handbags for women. However, this Chanel tote bag is different. Made of genuine snakeskin leather with crocodile skin pattern, this Chanel tote offers unique character aside from carrying the famous brand. Looking closely, you will realize that it is very classy but still edgy for today’s fashion era.Put your daily essentials in it and then you are ready to go. This Chanel handbag has a spacious interior to accommodate your basic things plus your extra stuffs during a hectic day. It features thorough stitching, protective bottom studs and sturdy framework, so you can be sure that this tote bag will not deform or sag even if it is fully loaded.
Having soft, double rolled leather handles, you can carry this bag with ease. Put it on your shoulder or just in your arm for a more elegant look. In addition to the stunning croc pattern on the leather, this handbag is accentuated with silvertone hardware and the logo turn-lock closure for the exterior compartment. Inside this Chanel tote features middle zip compartment, patch pockets and mobile compartment.
If you are asking about the price, you can have this chic Chanel tote bag for $2,500. Well, you really need to spend a lot if you want to indulge yourself on a signature brand. If you want to be practical, go ahead and look for designer replica handbags that are truly affordable. Always remember, a good quality replica Chanel tote bag will make you fab with costing you thousands of bucks.